The main purpose of the Autoficon is to make the process of file conversion simpler.
The file type can be converted by just renaming the file i.e. changing the extension.
It runs as a daemon which monitors for any file system alteration event in the users HOME
directory. When a file system alteration event occurs the file type conversions will be
made based on the extension. Presently our aim is to support conversion for image types.
As and when the user renames a file (currently only image files) the daemon automatically
detects it and carries out the necessary conversion. The user need not intervene in the
conversion process.
Modules included in AUTOFICON
Monitors the User's Home directory for any file rename or creation event using FAM
When Notified, calls Transformer to convert the file
Called by SPY. User can also use this tool directly
Reads the available plugins and perform necessary conversion